
济南新航道  >  博文  >  于琳:综合写作该怎么炼成?


来源:新航道      浏览:166      发布日期:2016-04-27 14:10








  一. 阅读和听力信息的提炼


  1) 开头段: 一般来说首段的内容往往包含文章的核心话题、该话题相关的背景介绍、文章的对立观点和本作者的立场。综合写作中所需提取的信息只有话题关键词和作者的立场——通常前者出现在首句,而后者出现在尾句。所以学生只需要重点关注此两句即可。

  2) 三个论证段:首先学生要抓住位于段首(有时也会出现在第二句或段尾)的主旨句,即文章的大论点。此外,学生还要适当摘取能够证明论点的重要细节,而这些细节往往以事例、因果解释或对比的论证方法展开,所以学生要对相关的篇章逻辑连接(如for example、because, moreover, however等等)特别敏感, 往往这些词之后是要提取的要点。

  正如前文所讲,综合写作中的听力材料与阅读材料的话题相同,结构一致。在具体真题中,听力文章在内容上往往对阅读文章中的三大论点提出反驳,或是就阅读文章中的三大问题给出相应的解决方法。特别值得注意的一点是:听力在提出总立场和论点之前要回顾阅读的内容,所以每段的信息重心会向后偏移。也就是说,听力首先要留意表示次序的段落起点标志(first, second, lastly等),但其后的句子往往只是次要信息,只有出现转折词或否定词(however, not等)之后才是需要提取的大论点。听力的细节部分则也要抓住举例、因果、递进、比较等谋篇手段之后的内容,另外在听的过程中一定要结合阅读中的要点笔记来合理理解和猜测信息的含义。


  二. 阅读和听力信息的再加工和重组


  1) 词汇的改写主要包含:词性的转换、同义或近义表达的替换(注意原文中往往就包含此类表达,学生可以充分利用)、上义词的概括(主要适用于给出若干例子和细节的情况)(小编:这方法简单实用易上手)。

  2) 句型的改写相对复杂,需要学生有较好的句法基础和对文章信息之间逻辑关系的正确把握。一般来说,水平有限的学生要学会将原文中的句子进行主动和被动的转换、将主题句的关键信息和论证细节用正确的连词组合成主从句。英语程度较好的学生则要通过不断练习复杂句子的组织能力,学习将文章中次要的信息转化成非谓语动词短语、同位语结构、形容词短语或介词短语,以提升语言的凝练感。


  1) 点对点式指的是把阅读材料和听力材料中开头段、三点论证段的每个要点都对比式地呈现出来,形成四个段落。其基本架构如下:





  2) 面对面式指的是在对比阐明阅读材料和听力材料开头段的立场之后,分别总结前者的所有要点和后者的所有要点,形成3个段落。其基本架构如下:







  Reading Sample1(TPO22):

  Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramatically reduce the amount of plants available for uses other than fuel. For example, much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animals such as cows and chickens. It is estimated that if ethanol were used to satisfy just 10 percent of the fuel needs in the United States, more than 60 percent of the corn currently grown in the united stated would have to be used to produce ethanol. If most of the corn were used to produce ethanol, a substantial source of food for animals would disappear.

  此段阅读样本围绕生产乙醇燃料的缺点展开。主题句需要提取的关键内容为:ethanol production→reduce plants for other uses。在论证细节部分,我们可以看到作者主要运用玉米(corn)为事例来展开,标志词为for example. 学生需要注意:在综合写作中事例的具体过程可以忽略,但从事例中推出的结论必须提取。因此,此段落中最后一句的结论为重点,即 use corn to produce ethanol→food source for animals↓。值得注意的是,此段中关于程度大的表达(significant, much of, most of, substantial)都可以在写作中作为同义替换的素材。

  Listening Sample1(TPO22):

  Second, large scale production of Ethanol doesn’t have to reduce the sources of food for animals. That’s because we can produce ethanol using cellulose, cellulose is the main component of plants’ cell walls, and you’ll find most cellulose in those parts of plants that are not eaten by animals. So, since we can produce ethanol from the plant parts that aren’t eaten, the amount of animal feed that is available will not be reduced.

  在对应的听力样本中,教授先将阅读观点进行反驳,所以否定词(doesn’t)后的句子是听力重点,即用纤维素制造乙醇(produce ethanol using cellulose)。在考试中很多学生会不知道cellulose这个词,但其实不必过于紧张,因为较难的专业词后总紧跟一些解释性表达(the main component of plants’ cell walls)需要注意耐心捕捉。此外,教授在反驳时主要运用了解释法,因此要记录因果连接词(so)后的信息。总言之,这段听力的信息点为:produce ethanol using cellulose: parts of plants’ cell walls (animals X eat) →animal feed√。


  Writing Sample 1(TPO22):

  The reading suggests that large-scale(同义替换significant amounts of)ethanol production can substantially(该词的形容词在原文中出现,同义替换dramatically ) cut down(同义替换reduce) plants for other purposes(同义替换uses), such as using corn as food source for animals (介词短语嵌入细节部分). However, the speaker argues that ethanol is made from(近义替换 produce…using…)cellulose, the components of plants which are not be eaten by animals(同位语和定语从句嵌入细节部分). Therefore(重点信息之间加相应连词), producing ethanol will not reduce animal feeds.


  Reading Sample2(2010年9月18号真题):

  The reason why no evidence supports large-scale human settlement in Amazon Basin is straight forward. The soil in the basin is not suitable for growing crops. The ground underneath the basin is a mix of thick clay and minerals. There are almost no nutrients for plants to absorb. Moreover, the clay is acidic and damages the root structure of plants. Its hardness prevents roots from digging into the earth.

  此段阅读样本围绕是否有大规模人口定居亚马逊的话题展开。其首句只是重复了作者总立场而并未提出实质性的论点,因此在此类情况下我们需要提取的内容在第二句:土壤不适合种庄稼 (soil→ X grow crops)。在论证细节部分,我们可以迅速找到关键的篇章连接词moreover,因此可以推断其前后解释了土壤不良的原因有两方面:1)X nutrients for plants 2)acidic→ X root structure of plants。值得注意的是此段中关于土壤的表达(soil, ground, clay)都可以在写作中作为同义替换的素材。

  Listening Sample2(2010年9月18号真题):

  Though the earth in Amazon Basin is hard and infertile, what the reading doesn’t mention is that on top of the hard clay there is a thin layer of decomposed plant materials. Early humans burned plants and mixed the ashes with the earth to create a layer of soil rich in organic nutrients which allowed their crops to grow in even the harshest conditions.

  在对应的听力样本中,作者先将阅读观点进行反驳,所以转折词(although)、否定词(doesn’t)之后的句子才是重点,即a layer of decomposed plant materials。很多学生在听到大量信息时不能迅速反映出decompose该词的含义。遇到这种情况不要纠结于一点不放,因为听力当时往往会重复解释一些重点信息,所以一定要跟上后文的节奏。本段主题句后的内容就是更具体的解释,其词句构成相对容易,学生如果前面适当放弃也可以抓住关键:early humans burned and mixed plants with the earth→ create soil (organic nutrients√)


  Writing Sample 2(2010年9月18号真题):

  The reading contends that the soil in Amazon Basin is not suitable for cultivating(同义替换grow)crops because(重点信息之间加相应连词)it is short of(近义替换no)nutrition and its hardness as well as acidity(原文acidic词性转换) destroy(同义替换damage) the root structures of plants. This is contrary to the claim in the lecture that plants were burned and mixed into the soil to create organic nutrients(原文被动变主动), so(重点信息之间加相应连词) crops can grow in the harshest condition of Amazon Basin.


  Reading Sample3(TPO19):

  Second, since buzzers pretend they are just private individuals, consumers listen to their endorsements less critically than they should. With advertisements in print or on TV, the consumer is on guard for questionable claims or empty descriptions such as "new and improved." But when consumers do not know they are being lobbied, they may accept claims they would otherwise be suspicious of. This may suit the manufacturers, but it could really harm consumers.

  此段阅读样本围绕托儿(buzzer)营销存在的弊端展开。主题句需要提取的关键内容为:消费者会不加批判地听取托儿的代言。在论证细节部分,我们可以扫视到较为明显的逻辑标志词为but, 这时可以大胆推断此段运用了对比法或让步法论证。But之前作者提出对于电视书籍的广告,消费者会警惕; but之后作者的对比为:消费者会接受托儿的话语。所以此段的要点和细节我们可以整合为一个简洁的比较句即可:consumers→listen to buzzers’ endorsements critically↓﹤advertisements( prints or TV)。值得注意的是此段中关于质疑、警惕的表达(listen to less critically, be on guard, be suspicious of)都可以在写作中作为同义替换的素材。

  Listening Sample3(TPO19):

  Second, the reading makes it seem that when a buzzer talks to someone, the person believes whatever they hear from the buzzer. Not true. In fact, the opposite is true. People I talk to ask a lot of questions about the products I buzz, that is about the price, service and how long I used the product. If I don’t have good answers, they won’t buy the products.

  在对应的听力样本中,作者先将阅读观点进行反驳,所以否定词(not true)和解释词(in fact)后的句子是重点,即people→ask questions; X buy →X good answers。


  Writing Sample3(TPO19):

  The lecturer casts doubt on the author’s claim that customers will be less suspicious of(在原文中出现,近义替换listen to less critically) the endorsements of individual(形容词嵌入细节部分)buzzers than other forms of ads(上义词替换advertisements in print or on TV;than整合对比性信息). To be specific, he reveals that people will ask a series of(同义替换a lot of)questions about buzzed(形容词嵌入细节部分)products and(重点信息之间加相应连词)will not purchase(同义替换buy)if buzzers do not offer satisfying(同义替换good)answers. Therefore, they are not less critical to buzzers’ information. (加强阅读和听力的整体反驳)



  常远,2011,《 新托福真经2》,中国对外翻译出版有限公司

  李传伟, 2013 ,《新托福写作7天突破》,中国对外翻译出版有限公司







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