
济南新航道  >  博文  >  孙雅琼:不可不知的托福阅读知识(一)


来源:新航道      浏览:166      发布日期:2014-05-09 00:00



  对于阅读理解,很多学生都感叹单词量是自己的”Achilles` heel” 。可鲜有学生会意识到自己的“瓶颈”也会是在其他方面,因此把大把的时间花在了无休止的背单词上。首先,我们要肯定单词对于阅读文章的基础性识别作用,但同时,我也想和大家分享一下,托福阅读中常见的一些解题误区,帮助同学们攻克托福阅读。


  托福阅读在做题时先读题,再做题,这样能够做到有针对性的去搜索答案。如果在读题目时稀里糊涂,都还不太清楚究竟想问什么, 那又怎么能够确定究竟要回答什么。In paragragh1, what point does the author make about the evidence for the tiredness theory of yawning? 我们大家的关注点如果在打哈欠的疲劳理论上,即使在文章中搜索到了相关信息,对于解题也是无效。 这个问题中的”what point does the author make”才是我们应该思考的问题-——作者对此理论的观点。 文章中有一处“Unfortunately, the few scientific investigations of yawning have failed to find any connection between how often someone yawns and how much sleep they have had or how tired they are./” 这里表达了作者对于上文的质疑,因此才是我们要找的有效信息。再比如,According to paragraph 2, what is problematic about an animal's sending visual signals to members of its own species?这里讲到了动物发射视觉信号给同伴,但题目要求中的“problematic” 才是这道题的核心,我们应该在文章当中找到于此对应的信息,这样你的读题才能为解题正却导航。 因此,希望同学们要注意题目要求,在平时熟悉题目的一些问法,不要因为误读题目,造成不必要的损失。


  Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.

  According to paragraph 1, what effect did military occupation have on the local population?

  ○It encouraged more even distribution of the population and the settlement of previously undeveloped territory.

  ○It created discontent and made continuing military occupation necessary.

  ○It required local labor to construct forts and feed and exercise the soldiers’ animals.

  ○It provided local leaders with opportunities to participate in governance.

  很多学生对这道题目的答案是C或是D,是不是看到这两个选项中出现了原文“forts and feed and exercise the soldiers’ animals.”以及“local leaders with opportunities to participate in governance.”,你也会做同样选择呢? 很多时候,学生会看到选项中有与原文对应的单词,就判断选项是正确选项,但其实,我们的判断标准是句子对应。我们来看下B的句意:军事占领会要求当地劳动力来建造堡垒并且喂养和训练士兵们的动物。而原文的意思是将需要征用当地的土地。同样的,D说军事占领会提供当地参与管理的机会。而原文的意思反而是会剥夺们得权利。正确的选项应该是D .我们知道,托福阅读考查的一个能力是Paraphrase,也就是用不同的句子来表达相同的意思。D选项中出现的原文单词只有一个” military”, 但选项句子意思能将原文中“制造了不满和军事驻扎”正确表达出来。因此,同学在选择时,请考虑句子的整体意思而不是片面的某个单词。因为,托福阅读考查的一个基本能力是Paraphrase,(英文的同义替换)——用不同的语句表达相同的含义。就如同中文中“闭月羞花’可以用”沉鱼落雁’来进行同义表达,词汇不重复,但意义有重合。





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